
This is the robot code from the Ingenium team.



The src code is an arduino sketch: Dozer.ino


Receive values
Robot control
Number Key Action Description
1 1 open the rack drop the rack to the bottom and open the servomotor
2 2 drop plants open the servomotor and drop the plants
3 3 take the plants close the servomotor and take the rack up
4 4 rack mid-height get the rack to the height of the jardinière
5 5 rack up get the rack all the way up
6 6 drop the plants get the rack down, open the servomotor and get the rack up
7 7 solar panel flip (rack) get the rack at the height of the solar panel
8 8    
9 9 solar panel flip (servo) get the rack up and deploy the stick to flip the solar panels from the inside
10 * stepper setup setup the stepper motor to find the limits (e.g. after a belt jump)
11 0 stop stop the robot (motor and actuators)
12 # estimation type it to enter the estimation, all keys lose their usual binds. After another click on this key or 3 numbers entered, it loses the estimation focus.


The INO file depends of the following list of libraries:
